Sunday, November 30, 2008

Joost iPhone App

Joost just launched an iPhone app with access to about 46,000 videos. I have been using it over my wifi and have not tried it over 3G or EDGE and so far the application is pretty smooth and the videos play without any issues, although VentureBeat had some issues. Overall, the app is pretty impressive and Joost has done broken some ground but as content is king Hulu on the iPhone would be much more compelling. Also, as I have stated in my "Interesting Companies" post when Orb and Sling come out with an iPhone app they will truly have the killer apps since they will allow you to be the content aggregator rather than the programmers at Joost or Hulu.

I kind of wish someone would create an iPhone app that would get video from the web via Joost, Hulu, or whatever new content creator puts their content online (like Criterion announced recently) mainly because I don't want to download multiple apps that do the same thing. For me there is still a space issue on the iPhone and I don't want apps that I am only going to use once in a while to take up valuable space.

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