There is a great site I found, coincidentally, created by Jason Bitner one of the creators of Found Magazine called Cassette From My Ex. It is pretty much the same concept of, the once fun, Muxtape but this site adds interesting back stories and context behind the mixtape we are listening. Muxtape was shut down by the extremely short sighted and stupid RIAA. I hope CFME does not fall to the same fate. I guess the RIAA is not interested in music fans discovering new music.
I have been found:
Despite convectional belief, I have several friends and two of them (they come as a pair, a good pair like Aces not Deuces) have found this little experimental hovel of my online randomness. If you (I say that as if anyone is reading this) want to get a view into what kind of people they are look here as it will give you a good prospective into their shear and utter madness and apparent fascination with CAPTCHA and if you too are interested you can read about a small industry pop up around breaking CAPTCHA.
The two recently got married in vegas and had in and out burger after the wedding. Jeff is what I call the center of a strange venn diagram. There are several circles as you can see, crudely illustrated below:
Some of the circles are bigger depending on which group of friends he is hanging out with but inevitably he is in the middle.
Jenny thought I didn't like her when we first met but I don't recall that being true. Its probably more true that I am a bit stand offish with most people because I generally think I better than them or at least that's what I need to tell myself in order to get a good nights sleep. Jenny is an interesting mix of random stereotypes herself (that is not meant in a bad way and you don't get a venn diagram because I have a hard and steady rule on this blog, which is one venn diagram per post.) She has a posh British accent, plays poker, has a curt sense of humour, and is a wonderful singer (although she has yet to share any of her music with me).
This is the first post in a long while mostly becuase I have not been motivated to write about anything and I guess I need to get over that. I also wasn't too happy about the title of this blog but I guess I will live with it and see if I can change it when or if I think of something better.
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