Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally Done With PC

Yesterday my trusty Sony VAIO, which was ruined by windows vista, started its decent into crapping out. I was playing some online poker and was pretty deep in two tournaments when all of a sudden the computer just shut down. So i quickly turned it back on but realized that it was running off the battery even though it was plugged in. I unplugged it and tried a different outlet to no avail. At this time I noticed that I had about 2 hours left on my battery and if I was going to go real deep in either of these tournaments 2 hours was not going to be enough time. (This is the most I will ever talk about poker on this blog especially boring hand details like this) About that time I got QQ in the small blind with a middle position player who shoved about 10 big blinds all in I called and I was off to the races against his AK. The flop and the turn were all low cards and he hit one of his 6 outs with an Ace on the river. Oh well that didn't cripple me but put a pretty big dent in my stack. Several hands later I have QQ again in 2nd position when the under the gun player makes a standard raise. I decide to shove all my chips. It folds around to the big blind and he shoves in as well, he and I have about the same chips. The original raiser tanks for a while and decides to make the hero call with A10 of spades. The big blind had a weaker Ace. The flop brought 2 spades and the lovely turn brought a spade giving the guy who made a really bad call for most of his chips the nuts, knocking me out. In the other tournament I was short stacked and shoved with it was folded to me in the small blind with J9 suited and the big blind woke up to 66 and he held. So now I was out of the both tournaments with only about 1 hr and 20 min left of the battery so I shut it down. In the morning I tried to play around with it to see if there was anything I could do but no luck so I decided to go tot he Apple store in SoHo and get a Mac Book. I thought about the Mac Air as there was a refurbished one on the Apple site for $1000 but decided to get the regular Mac Book. There are 2 models and I decided on the cheaper one since I am not really doing a ton of high powered  computing. So far it has been a pretty smooth experience but there are minor things I am going to have to get use to since I have been using a PC all of my computing life. I can't with until google releases chrome for a the Mac as I think it is a faster and smoother browser than safari or explorer. Everything else has been pretty slick. I created a movie with some photos I took from my flight from LA to NYC at take off. See below:

From now I guess I am now one of those "Mac" people. Now I just need to figure out how to get all the music, photos, and other files off of my dying VAIO and on to my shiny new Mac.

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