Another prediction for 2009 will be the impact of the iPhone on the business market as well as the beginning phases of cloud computing. Apps like Soonr are going to revolutionize how people interact with their work environment.
The last major trend I see for 2009 may be a bit of a chicken or egg thing and that revolves around netbooks (light-weight, low-cost, energy efficient computers with the minimum requirements to run web based applications) and cloud computing. There has been a ton of chatter about the netbook market (see here, here, and several mentions on the GDGT podcast). While some (Sony and Apple because they put such a premium on their brands) think it is a race to the bottom consumers will have much more to say. As this market grows the reliance on the cloud will also grow. I really think with the economy in its current state consumers and business are going to be looking for low cost ways to upgrade/maintain their technology and what better way then push everything to the cloud and cheap no frills computers. 2009 will be an interesting year as green/sustainable and economic forces come together and start to change the way we use and look at technology.
Lastly, 2009 is also going to be huge for my friends Jeff and Jenny. Jeff is hitting the live poker tournament circuit hard and his level of play is at an all time high and so I can see him winning/cashing on several of his trips. Best of luck Gamblero!! And Mrs. Gamblero is putting the finishing touches on her first record and preparing for tune up gigs here in NYC for the next month and then off to London get her album out in front of the industry executives. And as I stated before I am sure she will be fantastic* but I just don't understand why she keeps drawing me so brown (I mean I know I am but I feel like OJ on the cover of Time see second pic here**and third pic here**).
*even though she still has not let me hear any of her music...hint fucking hint
**Comment if you want to hear the stories behind each of those pictures or feel free to make up your own
a. you never actually asked to hear the record.
b. compared to my translucent alabaster tone, you are, quite frankly, a black man.
c. i have like, 4 pens to choose from
d. o.j was framed.
a. yes I did and am officially filing my request.
b. fair point
c. they have learned to mass produce pens rather cheaply and easily so you can buy more for very little money.
d. well obviously.
e. my mother learned me never to stop at just d. it is shameful and bad etiquette
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